Welcoming 2011 with Alexandra Barrett

Posted on January 16, 2011. Filed under: Law of Attraction, Life, Love, Manifesting, self growth | Tags: , , , , , , |

Hello dear friends of enlightenment!  We have before us a great new year. This year will mark a year  of unprecedented change within and without, regardless of how much work you have already done. Now will you see the manifestation of years of effort begin to pop open in your life. Remember, most people quit at the 11th hour just as the results begin to materialize for which they have long worked and waited. Do not give up the ship! The light is on and someone IS home!

I will be with you sharing what is happening with me and watching for news of what is happening with you as the great year of 11:11 fills our hearts with symbols and signs of the escalation of light. We can focus on what is wrong or we can focus on what is right with us and with the world. Magnify what you will – I for one choose to magnify the Light in my life, in my thoughts, and in my actions.Now more than ever be conscious of the Law of Attraction and the power of the downstream way. You are energy transmutors and master manifestors! Acknowledge YOURSELF!

2011 has already opened with evidence of life’s greatness and love for me and I certainly hope for you. Stay the course dear friends. Stay the course! Home is coming to us daily.

Love and Light be with You!

Alexandra Barrett

Your Life Energy Coach

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