Archive for May 18th, 2009

I Am The Flower

Posted on May 18, 2009. Filed under: Life, Love |

I AM. I Am The Flower.

Picture the flower standing there amid the leaves shining in the sunlight with the morning dew on her petals and leaves. The wind blows her but doesn’t topple her. She is fragile yet strong. Picture the rain washing over her and giving her sustenance to unfold her beautiful petals. Imagine her scent and the beauty of her colors. She is magnificently arrayed in the beauty of nature.

If you are female say aloud “I Am the flower”. Again,”I Am the flower.” Feel how that feels. Imagine it. See a flower you love to look at and inhale and imagine that is you and you are it. Feel your natural beauty and sweetness. Admire your unique and beautiful colors. Feel your delicate magic and attraction. Stand in your slender determination supported by the strength of the earth. Feel the warmth of the sun as you lift your lovely face to receive the light.

Here come the bees! The bee is buzzing around the flower. The bee is ecstatic. The bee cannot get enough of the flower. The bee selects a flower and goes back again and again. Gathering sweet nectar from the flower the bee will always find his way to her loveliness.

What is the flower doing? Just being a flower. Just being beautiful and fragrant and shining like the sun in radiant colorful scented glory that a flower is. Is the flower afraid no bees will come? Does the flower question her beauty? Does she question what she is? Ahhh, but she is certain of her loveliness and emanates her energy out into the world filling the earth, sky, and wind with all that she is.

Did you ever see a flower chase a bee? Of course not! Flowers don’t chase bees! A flower attracts bees and that is the essence of the nature of life.

I Am The Flower

I Am The Flower

I Am the flower. We are the garden. Buzzzzzzzzzzzz
I love you.

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